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Single-Mode Fibre

We can supply G652D,G657 A2 Colored  single-mode fibre  in 25.2km or 50.4km with  various of colors.

low water peak dispersion unshifted Single-mode fibre is designed specially for optical transmission systems operating over the entire wavelength window from 1260 nm to 1625 nm. By suppressing the water peak that occurs near 1385nm in conventional single mode fibre due to hydroxyl (OH) ions absorption,  fibre is able to open E-band (1360-1460nm) for operation, and consequently provides 100 nm more usable wavelengths. Fibre is comprehensively optimized for attenuation and dispersion performance across the entire wavelength window from 1260 nm up to 1625 nm and upgraded for macro-bending performance in L-band (1565-1625 nm). The fibre is fully satisfying the demand for transmitting multi-channel highspeed services over one single fibre.

For more information, please contact: sales@qdhetian.com.